ඔබ සෑමට සාමය, සතුට පිරි සියලු පෑතුම් ඉටුවන සුභ නව වසරක් වේවා!!!
Wishing you a prosperous Sinhala & Hindu New Year, Filled with Peace and happiness!!!
உதித்த புத்தாண்டு ஒற்றுமைஇ மகிழ்ச்சி நிறைந்த ஒளிமயமான புத்தாண்டாக!!!
Kumara Thirimadura, Gihan Fernando & Mihira Sirithilaka will be entertaining you all during the New Year Festival 2016 Organized by SLCSC.
Sinhala & Tamil New year celebration organized by SLCSC to be held tomorrow (15/04/2016) at Wadi Kabir. Hope to see you all there..